The Dhammapada
Inspirational Stories
Surfing this website doesn't yield the usual perks or points, accumulation of which could provide a host of tickets, coupons, vouchers and such like to reward the constant visitor.

Instead, I'm offering some words of wisdom which an old friend Francis Chin, a senior web editor from LycosAsia, has collected painstakingly since 1971 from various published translations of the Dhammapada.

This collection of 423 verses attributed to the Buddha is perhaps the best-known and most widely translated of the Buddhist scriptures.

I've picked only a small sample of these jewels to share with visitors, leaving it to those who want more to find them elsewhere on the Internet. Or they can always email Francis.

Another "reward" I'm offering consists of some wonderfully inspirational stories which friends send me via the Internet and which I think are too good simply to be circulated only to those on my email list, or worse, confined to oblivion by a simple touch of the delete-key.

And I have one more incentive for visitors. Everyone who visits will be included in my daily prayers and meditation session where I work at thinking good, positive thoughts about all who touch my life and all who may one day touch it, for better or even for worse.

Lastly, having visitors to my site is a reward -- for me!